ARCH 221 Assignment 6

We are still reading and discussing the book called “History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals”, by Spiro Kostof. This week we read chapter eight which is called : The Hellenistic Realm.

Koskof, Startes this chapter by explaning the differences between Classical Greek and Hellenistic approach from art to architecture. Mostly in Classical approach, values based on the respect on of the single individual and it also represented moral entility. Even classical heros is all ethical.On the other hand The Hellenistic hero, is not the instrument of choice but its victim.  İt shows all Hellenistic specialities they were melodramatic and dramatic like its represent theater to their viewer.

As we know  The Hellenistic style was started with Alexander the Great.Befor ethe Hellenistic approach İn 31 b.c architecture was neither static nor uniform across the immense territory involved. But in Hellenistic time, Architecture was also shows dramatic preference like the way of using staircase. .

As we observe in Bassae , Detail of architecture mostly  for the sake of expressive effects. Also this temple is the first surviving instance of a new architectural order, The Corinthian  And the other interesting speciality of this temple is its cella, it is impressively centralized,continuous with the impact of its axial perspective towards the cult statue. Actually the traditional purpose of cella colonnades was to help support the roof. As these were pushed out toward the cella walls the central span become too broad to be bridged in store efficiently. The architects restored to metal enforcement and the burden of the roof was shifted more and more to the cella walls.

As we see in the Bassae temple the columns  surrenders its structural reality for the sake of new visual effects. The classical unity of structure and appearance beginings to come apart in this way. To illustrates, with the changing order of column  ,The corner problem becomes to occurs.

The Classical temples was self-contained and active. It stood in mid space a sculpture force complete only in relation to its surroundings, both natural and built which gave it scale and set in a dynamic relationship to the approaching worshiper. This vital experience was all-getting to the temple along an often irregular path, moving around it, reading it against distant landscape forms and proximate features of precinct.

The Hellenistic Temple tries to be complete in itself.It stage a certain sequence of effects within its own body, to be revealed to the user one.The studied of Hellenistic Temple extended to its setting as well. This often meant landscaping and terracing, porticoes enclosures and monumental stairways all arranges along sweeping axes.In deed,the axial layouts of classical periods changed in Hellenistic period the way; it is rarely dogmatic and symmetry becomes less than perfect.

Actually the grid of Classical approach is still valid in Hellenistic style. Furthermore,at the same time  a new school of planning introduced a more dynamic organization for hilly sites based on vertical, three dimensional alliance of major building groups as well.

The other important thing about Hellenistic style, the approach of buildings-house-. Their structural approach was included  lots of various luxuriant ornaments.Such as; highlighting, colour perspective vista. The idea behind that Hellenistic architectural approach was freedom in pictorial arts.

While the writer ends this chapter he also mentions,Pergamon and its architectural and artificial specialities and how its shows experisions of Hellenistic style.



In summer break ı visited to Russian cities ;St-petersburg and Moscow. These cities have amazing natural environment and historical buildings and places. I really enjoyed travel and I have already started to plan my next trip. I  strongly advice you to go and see these wonderful cities 🙂

ARCH 111 Assignment 11 (Final Exam) : Drawing İller Bankası Building

For finals of ARCH 111 and ARCH 121, we assigned to İller Bankası Building in Ulus by Seyfi Arkan in 1937. For ARCH 111, we produced an informative representation of İller Bankası building that includes two orthographic projection(front view and one side ), axonometric projection (of the back of the building) preferably isometric drawing (30 degree/30 degree) and a diagram in a single cartridge paper(70×100 cm) and also we were responsible from the overall organisation of the drawing sheet as a whole.


ARCH 111 Assignment 10 : Expressive Drawing

For this assignment we were expected to produce an expressive drawing. We have already studied our design idea and produced diagrams. This drawing should produce lighten of these studies. It is an architectural representation, which is not necessarily as abstract as diagrams or not as technical as orthographic oraxonometric projections. So that first we took our model (variation 2  model for ARCH 101). Then we applied free strategies and this is what I did. I hope you like it 🙂

ARCH 101 Assignment 07: Variation II

In this assignment we merged the our planar element and linear element model for creating new potential operations. And we also expected to produced the diagram of our model by guiding our the other diagrams and flow charts. Previous operations were still valid for this assignment as well and we were allowed to use stretching and eliminating for this time. Lastly, the other assigned thing was shifting the grids to become both of them could be legible.

ARCH 121 Assignment 05

This text i write about my comments is “Three Reminders To Architects”  the  mass and surface part by Le Corbusier.

The concept of construction is usually based on calculation of geometric forms. Todays world architects should use simple forms of geometry for creating good art and at the same time useful buildings.

According to text the aim of real construction is not about style.It is about the value its function. By applying basic principles of construction which are abstraction and brutal facilities, we can achieve pure and modern structure. For making a functioning constitution of course there a  few thing that we have to obey its rule like gravity in contrary, there are lots of thing that we can avoid which are ornamental addings.

There are tree major things, in these days it has lost their value little bit, which are mass, surface and plan. Basicly plan is the generator. Mass and surface are the things determined by the plan.

As an architects we can achieve magnificent by playing masses brought together in light. We can open in a new world for our eyes in this way. It is like a theater ,but this time stage changes with the movement of sun light.

Using cones, cylinder, spheres etc. helps us to express what we want to emphasise very easily. Of course there are lots of different subjective perspectives about art. The writer claims it is no longer maintain, valid and useful. The architects should be focused on today’s world and its need , not history or primary times’ need.

The writer suggests  that we should not forget the things we thought at school, we should obey the basic rules which are based on calculation and plan.

In this text we can clearly understand mass and surface has directly connection. According to Le Corbusier opinion all buildings based on same things which are based of course if we think basicly. These lines are shaping according to need and it become a structure. In deed, they are just combination of lines, surface and mass. With different surfaces we can dived things in this way we can have different composition within all.

To deal with the today architectural problem first, we should focus on efficiency problem. after we understand the need we can process of our work, because in modern architecture according to Le Corbusier most efficient thing is making buildings useful to fit in our life and its need.

Finally, we should first understand everything does not have to be aesthetic. We should be aware of necessity. And we should have tendency to engineering world as well.

To sum up, while we are producing we should be aware of what we need, then we should consider what we are going to leave for our future  after that we should build.