ARCH 484_ WEEK 3

This week we overview III: “Streets in Architectural History”, Kostof, City Assembled, pp. 213- 243.

We continued to overvied Kostof by stating the part called “ the street as public sapce”. Kostof said that “the only legitimacy of the street is as public space without it, there is no city” and he continued as the street , furthermore, structures community. It puts on display the workings of the city, and supplies as backdrop for its common rituals. Whit explaining the interaction of publicans street as a publicly domain space. He emphasis the function of street as a channel that keep the public flowing.

 Cultural occasions, rituals and classes are formed usage of street and its characteristics. Related with the all political and communal aspect of street there are lots of theatrical occasions occurs. So that he actually call street as a public domain space.

For understanding street history, Kostof focused on few topic which are public health, public regulations of street and traffic. By analysing these topics he clarified the process of street line and street width.  He mentioned safety in terms of building material choices related with fire and public health in the point of canalization and cenetary issues.

In the oncoming chapters he started to giving informations about “the design of street”. He said that the esteticurge express itself in ornamental editions in street space like monuments, fountains, special trees and etc. This chapter firstly focused on streetscapes so that he gives examples of “Cippi”  which is stone in roman times used a s a street marker. Then he said  street is a matter of municipality. With this way there is lotsof typology occurred as a street design trough the history. As he believes so fully uniformity of street frontage was a main preoccupation of urbanism in the Grand manner.

Then he started the discuss about building line and giving example to us to inform. Form his vies, for making of street identity each building must submit to the overall structure beyond its limits because streets are spaces that defines with its lines. Actually as he lead as to think, streets and facade of buildings are always in the relation. Street can not defined without private borders. So that as he said too “ordinary fabric takes from out of more or less contiguous buildings, as if the street carved out of what was once solid mass”.

As summary of design street part ı can say that individual detached units are the corresponding formation of enclosed street spaces so that street  become a combination of well-defined volumes of exterior spaces and corridor of movements.

To addition to design part in the later pages, he gave information about  porticoes, porches, collonade streets,  waterways, sidewalks and many mores. Actually in the all part we overviwed ,basically, he aimed to give details about how street drives trough history what are the streets specialities and how we should approach to street.

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